The Marker Game: A Listening Comprehension Competition!

I love using games to provide more input to students – it feels like disguising the vegetables in a meal for a child. And when students are pin-drop silent to be sure to hear every single word of their L2? Those moments are *chefs kiss* in the always-hectic teaching profession. The Marker Game is a tried-and-true for my classes, and I’m happy to share it with you.

Why should you play? Because this game is a great way to review with students, and the competition aspect gets them listening veeeerrrry closely. It also works as a great, no-prep formative assessment!

When do I use the Marker Game?

Play the Marker Game after students have learned about a topic – this could be the information covered in one class period, or over the course of a unit. It’s a review game, and could be a great way to help students retrieve things they have learned over the course of a unit of study. Or, it can just be a way to sneak in more listening input of new language before beginning a Write and Discuss!

How do I do it? – Logistics

It’s called the Marker Game, but really, you just need to have some sort of physical object that students can put on the ground or table between them. I have used dollar store stuffed animals for this, highlighters, markers, my students’ own pencils – so long as the object is easy for your students to grab. (I actually generally prefer my stuffed animals because they are less…stab-y…)

You will also want to think about the statements you will be making as part of the game. You can prepare a list of statements about the topic of study, with some true and some false all mixed together. This can help make sure you hit specific informational points, or use specific language. I have also consulted the texts we have created during Write and Discuss as a source of ideas and inspiration for statements about what we’ve been studying.

Or, you can do what I do 90% of the time, which is: make the statements up on the fly! As I’m often doing this with the information learned in that specific class period, I just refer to whatever images or new language have been up on my board, and work from that. Follow your comfort!

How do I do it? – Procedure

  1. Have students partner up in a manner of your choosing. A group of 3 could also work!
  2. Give each partnership the “grabbable” object, and instruct them in the L2 to lay it on the table/ground between them.
  3. Tell the class in L2 that you are going to make statements about [the topic.]
  4. Tell the class (and demonstrate) that if you say something true/correct, to grab the object and hold it in the air.
  5. Tell the class (and demonstrate) that if you say something false/incorrect, to do nothing. Don’t pick up the object, don’t touch it, etc.
  6. I always start the first play-through of the game by stating in L2, “My name is…Barbara.” If the kids do nothing, I go “yeah woohoo y’all are so smart!” Then, I say in L2, “My name is…Herr Fisher-Rodriguez!” If they scramble to grab the object and hold it aloft, boom! You’re ready to go.
  7. Make a statement about the learned content in L2, verrrrrry slowly. Students often get excited during this game, so slightly lowering your voice is a great way to get them to lean in and hang on every word.
  8. Heap some love on correct responses (either they didn’t raise the object at a false statement, or DID raise it at a true one), and let everyone who answered erroneously/didn’t get the object know that it’s alright, they’ll get it next time. I usually reiterate correct statements, maybe asking for a quick translation, and repeat false statements while shaking my head or saying something like “how silly!” in the L2.
  9. Keep going until your energy is gone, their energy/focus is gone, or you have nothing left to say about the topic at hand! (Though if you want, you can start throwing in even older content to shake things up and keep the review going!)

What do I do with it now that we’ve finished?

Game over! Since this was such a great session of reviewing auditory input, it is a good idea to have that information in text form for students to read, as well. If you don’t have a prepared text, Write and Discuss is a great way to create a level-appropriate text that demonstrates writing conventions, spelling, etc. that you can use for further extension activities. I find that using this before Write and Discuss actually makes it flow better, as the language is fresh in mind and has been repeated quite a bit!

Pro Tips!

  1. Puppy guarding and head bonking are no-nos! Some students, in their competitiveness, try to hover their hands over the object to best their partner. Perhaps indicate where student hands should rest unless they are decidedly reaching for the object. Sometimes, my students also lean their whole body into getting the object (it kind of looks like a football tackle), which can lead to head bonking injuries. You might also indicate that the objective is to grab the object first, not maintain possession after a fumble.
  2. Tally marks! I usually don’t keep score because the moment-to-moment competition is enough to keep students engaged, but if you want, you can have students keep score in whatever way is simplest for you. I sometimes just give a scrap of scratch paper, and then students use the marker from the game to tally their scores as they go. Winners get a sticker, a piece of candy, or just points in my heart and many days of future happiness!
  3. Formatively assess and reteach! Sometimes, students won’t rush to grab the object, or erroneously grab it at a false statement. This is data for me as the teacher! I can then give a quick translation/gesture/drawing of any tricky bits to reteach vocabulary or information, and/or make sure to incorporate the tricky vocabulary/information into future statements during the game to give students helpful repetitions and more chances at success.
  4. Make them work for it! Sometimes, I’m evil and save a huge twist for the end of the sentence (works great in German) so that they really have to be paying attention to meaning and not just listen for familiar words. Make them work for it!!!
  5. Thinking! You can rephrase information so that it doesn’t appear in the same form as it did when students initially learned it. This sharpens listening skills a lot. You can also make statements that require inference from students, based on the information learned, as an extra challenge toward higher-order thinking.

What if I want to learn more?

Here is a post from the Comprehensible Classroom that introduces a team competition variation on the game – students form two lines facing each other, and points are earned by how many players on each team raised the object OR by which team had the majority of the successful object grabs. So fun! (See also Martina’s expert note on why not to use bouncy balls as the object for the game, lol)

Allison at Mis Clases Locas projects the statements on the board, which allows for more reading input and for projecting the correct answers!

Both posts point to Cynthia Hitz as the originator of this strategy, so check out her blog!

What do you think? Do you feel ready to play the Marker Game? Comment below and send me any questions you might have!

One thought on “The Marker Game: A Listening Comprehension Competition!”

  1. Omg- I love how you explain the rules! You are just trying to grab the object not maintain possession after a fumble! I will use that from now on. I also let them grab early in case I do make an error at the end. They might get lucky- or they might not!

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