First Semester Reflections from the 2024-2025 School Year

Because we start school so late in Washington (typically after Labor Day), we ended our first semester in the second-to-last week of January. I’ve had some thoughts about the first semester simmering in the weeks since then, and I figured I’d finish typing them up here as part of my continuous reflection process.

More personalized questions!

There are many ways to provide communicatively-embedded comprehensible input to students, from storytelling to content-based instruction. I have adjusted my balance this year toward sharing even more pictures, videos, infographics, etc. from the German-speaking world and discussing them with students in comprehensible language. Somehow, I feel like I haven’t been using enough personalized questions to connect the content to my students.

Last year, I leaned heavily into Card Talk, which loans itself very well to learning more about the people in the room and building connections between them, and that helped me know so much about the people in my classes. I don’t feel that same level of connection this year, so I want to be more purposeful about connecting with my students and connecting them to the content, either by doing more Card Talk with students, or by planning more personalized questions related to the content I plan to teach about.

Move from just comprehension to language use

This somewhat relates to my previous reflection, which is that it seems a lot of my questioning has stayed lower-level (yes/no, this or that questions) or just comprehension checking (“What did I just say?” “Does _ mean this or that?”). I went to an excellent Garbanzo webinar last week about questioning, and was reaffirmed in my commitment to using questioning to advance language acquisition. It’s also making me consider more how I use questioning to advance discourse in my classes.

It is helpful to remember how new language feels SO new to our students – it’s all brand new combinations of sometimes unfamiliar sounds! Lingering on new language until it feels very confident, and then adding one detail at a time helps build out communication more solidly. Just using one question word, using processing questions to get repetitions on the new information, and only adding additional info after eliciting confident reactions to questions about all the previous info will be key to building more extended discourse, instead of just series of isolated simple sentences.

Chat Mats, the Reawakening

I see the value in having Chat Mats for students. They feel that the language is at their fingertips, and the supports help them get input because they are more or less just reading the language off the mat. But I’ve struggled with feeling like I’m using them like giant vocabulary lists, expecting students to acquire all the rich language after what feels like a “reasonable” amount of time, rather than acknowledging that they are supports for tasks and the language will take its time to get acquired.

My colleague Missy told our PLC that she gives each class a single chat mat, and lets them use them for an extended period, like a week or two at a time. She lets them chat with each other about the chat mat’s topic, and challenges them to see how long they can keep in the Target Language, how many juicy follow up questions they can ask in the language, and how much they can learn about their partners. Students naturally rise to those challenges, and increase in their ability to stay in the TL and build their confidence.

What’s even better – she gives the same mats to every level! Even upper level students need time to revisit “old” language, and feel the growth they’ve experienced since they first “learned” those linguistic skills. The conversations are more confident, richer, more exciting for them. I can see trying this more as a great way to recycle older language, and give students a marker on their path of language acquisition that helps make clear how much they have grown.

Gestures work great!

If we have told any class stories with targeted vocabulary, I have been very consistent this year with teaching gestures as part of establishing the meaning of the new phrases, as well as reviewing older gestures for other targeted vocab. Kids every year write about how much they appreciate gestures, and they are eating it up this year. The other day, a student forgot the next word in our class password, and I did the gesture, which helped unblock their brains and get the entire (correct) password out. Getting stuff into the body works so well!

Research backs this up, and ever since I have leaned more into TPR in my classes, I have seen lots of easy growth in my students’ vocabulary. For a video I’m teaching after we get back from our midwinter break, I have already planned to TPR some of the vocabulary before we even watch the video, and I know that students are going to feel so comfortable with that vocab by the time it comes up in the story of the video. More gestures! Across levels! More!

WTF is my curriculum

This…is a yearly reflection. I am not tied to a curriculum at my school, which is a blessing and a curse. I get to decide everything my students learn, and I also have to decide everything my students learn. As a result, after I “cover” the “expected stuff” in my first two levels (hobbies, family and friends, school, food, cities, travel, houses, etc.), it’s kind of the Wild West as to what we’re going to learn next.

I decided over the summer that my goal is for every themed unit to center a marginalized group in German-speaking society, and got excited about making this happen. There are so many possibilities for me to learn more, and to open my students’ eyes to the world as it truly is outside of our little suburban bubble. Our unit about housing can center accessibility, the “hobbies” unit can center Black and LGBTQ+ German speakers, “foods” can explore the diversity of food cultures across the German-speaking world and the influences of immigrant food cultures on the German-language food scenes, etc etc. The possibilities are endless and so interesting to me from a curriculum design standpoint. But! These units are still in the “wouldn’t that be nice?” phase of design. I just haven’t had the time to solidly plan them out, and that’s okay.

This year, I have been teaching a unit to my upper level class about art in the German-speaking world that builds up to learning about the “Ausstellung Entartete Kunst” (“Degenerate Art Exhibit”) that the Nazis put on in the 30s to ridicule Expressionists, Impressionists, Jewish artists, and others. It feels like a really powerful way to learn about censorship, othering, and the variety of -isms that are brewing to the surface in our society right now. I have had the idea to teach this unit for a long time, but it was only seeing Carrie Toth’sBajo la mesa” unit that finally gave me a structure and ideas of how to incorporate lots of rich language into our studies of visual art, which admittedly is not my personal forte. But having someone else’s work to bounce my ideas against has been very powerful, and I’m grateful for the inspiration it has provided.

The conclusion that I’m coming to is that it will all just take time. I can only make and find new resources for a couple units each year before my brain gets overloaded with building the plane while flying it, so I am trying to be content with the new that I create, as well as the less-than-perfect old that I sometimes have to rely on. That’s okay! I also do well when I have a model to look at and build off of. Carrie’s unit is necessarily different than mine – hers is based on a music video that I don’t have for German, and my ultimate end goal is some informational texts about a Nazi art exhibit – but accessing someone else’s thinking is great way to see what works for me, what doesn’t, and where I need to go to plan the next improvement. If I can only revamp a unit or two every year, that is fine, because it just has to be. Everything will be okay.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are the point

The new government has been launching an all-out attack on marginalized groups across our country, and it has been horrifying to witness. It affirms to me that although ideally, every student would come away from my program with Intermediate-level proficiency or better in German, what I really want is for them to understand the joys and benefits of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to fight for them in their own ways in their own lives.

They will work and live in a world of diverse backgrounds and experiences, and need to be able to meet diversity with warmth and curiosity in order to thrive.

They will discover unjust systems through their lives, and need tools of critical thought to push towards equity for all.

There are forces in the world that seek to dehumanize and eradicate historically marginalized identities in grabs for power, and the use of inclusive practices is not only most likely to achieve the goals that we set for our students, but also model for students how to live in a democracy where all are truly equal and free.

I wish for teachers to not self-censor, to show the world exactly as it is to our students, and prepare them to make a better future for all. It will not be easy, but it will be the right thing to do.

What are your reflections as we are moving through second semester? Let me know in a comment!

Program Growth – Some Reflections

As world language programs suffer budget cuts and yearly uncertainty as to how employed each teacher will be, we teachers often ask ourselves:

How do I get students to join my program and stay with it?

This is the beginning of my sixth year at my current school, and since I began as the only German teacher at my school, student enrollments have grown 70%, from 87 students to 148 students. I am very proud of and excited about this, of course, but I wanted to know more about why I was able to get this sort of growth in enrollments. So, I asked students in my upper level (3rd and 4th year) German class about why they were still in German, and had many informal conversations with students and their families to determine what had worked so far. This blog post was born of those reflections.

Below are factors that have been attractive and motivational for my community, and helped grow the German program in my specific context. I would say that some of these factors are out of my control, but some are within my control. Perhaps something I write here will resonate with you, or challenge you.

Orientation Toward College

My student population is very oriented toward college studies, and are very aware that they need about 3 years of language study in order to get into the colleges they are interested in. German is not offered at the local community college that many Running Start students attend, so I get a bump of students in my third year class who are taking college classes, but need my class to stay in German.

College credit is also very enticing to students, as they know it looks good on college applications. Using AP German for that credit was tough because it seems like every university treats AP credit for languages differently (one student needed a 5 in order to get ANY credit at all, for example, while others took 3s and up), and I never had a standalone AP class on my campus. This made it hard to teach toward the AP exam when I also had (significantly more) level 3 students in the same class. I think a stacked class like that is doable, but I struggled with it. So, I sought an alternate arrangement for college credit!

Forming a partnership with a local community college helped secure college credit for my students, and gave me more flexibility in delivery of content. The professor I have been working with loves seeing what is happening at the secondary level in German teaching, and helped me make my upper level classes more college-y.

Extracurricular Activities

My school has a German Club that is very active, and I believe it plays a role in attracting students to my program. Students have said how much they love having a community of friends, and that they have even more opportunities to learn about German cultural products and practices that are hard to cover during normal class times.

The German Club Bundestag (parliament, our group of officers) makes extensive use of the German Club Idea List, a list of potential ideas for club activities that is divided between “anytime” ideas and month/day-specific ideas. This makes planning easier for everyone (me included) and makes sure that we are always doing something together. As much as the students like German Club as a social group, the activities give a unifying purpose that makes them feel like they learned something special by choosing to come to German Club that day. Our Club Time is incorporated once monthly into our school day schedule on a Friday, and we try to host a couple after-school events per quarter.

I have also created a chapter of the National German Honors Society that helps add some prestige to students’ study of German, as members of the Honors Society get special recognition at graduation. I’m trying to plan some more Honors Society-only events that add more fun and privilege to that group.

Proficiency-Based Instruction

Research indicates that moving towards proficiency-oriented language instruction increases student motivation and feelings of confidence, while also helping students attain better oral proficiency than traditional, grammar-and-vocabulary language instruction. We’re talking students that are more likely to stick with programs because they’re learning more. It can feel terrifying to shift away from the safe refuge of a textbook curriculum, but you don’t have to do it alone. Working with colleagues to change your instruction – identifying Can Dos to center your planning, using more of the Target Language in class, having more spontaneous, supported interaction in class, and so on – can help take away the fear and uncertainty. Many hands make light work.

Ultimately, proficiency-oriented language instruction chooses an asset mindset, versus a deficit mindset, in regards to students’ language development. We are focusing on cultivating what students can do with the language, versus what they know about the language, or what “errors” they make in their first attempts at communicating in a new language. That mindset is refreshing and inspiring, and helps learners focus on how they are being successful in their language classes instead of “failing” at this or that verb ending or sentence structure. Success motivates – and students want to stick around where they have been successful!

Choosing activities that increase student joy also increases student attachment to the course, and makes it more likely that they will keep it in their schedule as a bright spot in their day. My students have described German as “a break from my other classes” in the way that it makes them feel.

I suspect that some of this comes from spontaneous, co-created content. This includes creating stories with TPRS, creating characters with OWIs, Special Person Interviews, small talk and chit chat in the language, and any activities where you don’t know how students are going to creatively respond. It is terrifying to jump into a class and not know what content is going to be “covered” in the period based on student responses, but giving yourself as the instructor bail-out moves and skeleton structures to support you while leading these activities can help you still get students lots of language, no matter what. And students find the spontaneity exciting, memorable, and motivating.

Motivation and Inclusion

The through-line of a lot of the ideas mentioned above is an orientation toward that which motivates as many different students as possible, based on their basic psychological needs. I view motivation through the lens of Self-Determination Theory, which I learned about from Dr. Liam Printer. According to SDT, people are motivated by their basic human psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness.

Being flexible and responsive to student curiosity and creativity gives choice, fulfilling student needs for autonomy. They help co-create our stories, share their interests with me and their peers regularly, and are provided differentiated activities to show their growth in a way that most speaks to them.

By choosing Comprehension-Based Communicative Language Teaching, I am giving my students a greater chance at developing competence in the Target Language by teaching in a way that is acquisition-supportive and aligned with how their brains actually process language. Partnered with realistic expectations for how acquisition works (and the time that it takes) and regular formative assessment, students get to notch consistent victories in their language classes (which can turn into college credit, more opportunities to create community with others, etc.).

Building relatedness does not stop after the first weeks of the school year. Every activity is an opportunity for personalization and connection to others, building a sense of community. A student once left the feedback, “I feel like I could say something interesting about each person in our class,” and that felt like the greatest indicator that we had taken time as a class to get to know each other well in the Target Language.

This only works if every student builds the belief that they can learn another language, and we treat every student as if they will become a very proficient user of the language. Our vision, our curricular choices, and our practices must all be viewed through a lens of inclusion. How can I make as many students as possible successful in this class?

I can do that by reading IEPs and 504 plans. I can do that by auditing my curriculum to increase student access to windows, mirrors, and sliding glass doors in their learning, and challenging them to grow as thinkers and people. I can do that by challenging myself in the ways I think about “difficult” students, and seeking ways to make certain that they are successful.

An inclusive and motivating classroom is a place where youth will want to be.

What factors in and out of your control affect your program growth? Every context is different – let us know about your obstacles and successes in the comments below!

Reflections from the 2023-2024 School Year

I feel like I get a little bit better at teaching every year, and part of that has been through the process of reflection. I did a reflection at semester, so here are my end-of-year reflections!

Anchor Everything to a Text

I came to a realization this year that sometimes, my class conversations were just floating in the air as sound. We would talk about something for a little while, and move on. I trained with teachers who did non-targeted CI, so I’m used to “discovering” new language as its need comes up, and writing it on the board, or conveying it using all my other skills. But that language sometimes would get that one use, and then it was gone. In reading the blog of Lance Piantaggini, I really had an “oh!” moment when he wrote to “always anchor to a text.”

Students need to be exposed to all that same language that came up in the conversation in a written text. This way, they can see spellings, writing conventions, grammar in context, everything – and get double the input. The texts can come from Write and Discuss (which I always tell myself to do more of), Embedded Readings, class novels, whatever – but I need to be writing more text on the board and getting more texts into student hands. Because reading is what? Fundamental!

Work the Language Even More – Gestures, New Readings, Parallel Texts

This reflection kind of comes from the previous one, which is that I could tell that sometimes, students just needed more meaningful reps on new language. I can work it more by incorporating more gestures (which I used to do more of and students would list as something they loved!), creating parallel texts of readings we’re doing, and trying to generate more cultural readings using the language we’ve been using in class recently. I’m really inspired by how SOMOS does this throughout its curriculum, and hope to create similar readings for my German classes as I continue to tinker with my homemade curriculum.

Changing IPA-Like Tasks to Be More Input-Heavy/Contextualized

I’ve been trying to find a good balance between teacher-created materials and unadapted materials to build students’ reading skills. The couple “IPA-style” tasks I did this year had mixed results, with some students totally shutting down. I think they need lots and lots of guidance and modeling, especially at the Novice level, to perform the tasks without my support. This means using more “authres” as Picture Talks, the final levels of Embedded Readings, etc. instead of being like “I know you can do it, here’s a thing!” (Sometimes, this happened this year because I was unexpectedly way more absent than anticipated and just had to throw something in front of my kids.)


I gave homework for the first time in my career this year (audience gasps). Results were mixed. I only gave it to my third/fourth year College in the High School class because It’s College and We Love Rigor, etc etc. As expected, some kids struggled to complete it and needed to stay in during our remediation period to do so. It was never worth tons of points relative to our in-class assessments, but it could still affect a student’s grade.

I’m toying with the idea of assigning homework in a zero-point category, and telling students that completed homework will help you get points back on assessments. (While secretly not actually giving extra points, but the students just earning them because the homework would hopefully help them just do better on assessments anyways?) Not sure how I want to handle this yet. Kids appreciated being pushed to engage with German outside of class times, but I need to do more reflection with them about what they actually find motivating and helpful to do.

For what it’s worth, they LOVED this Real World Homework assignment. They learned a ton from it, and I got linked up to some cool stuff I may not have found on my own!

Energizing Brain Breaks vs. Centering Brain Breaks

I managed to do more Brain Breaks this year, which was nice! It’s important to keep an eye on students’ energy and focus, and use Brain Breaks to get them back in the game, as necessary. And like…hopefully do it as a preventative measure instead of as a bail-out.

There is a big difference, I’ve found, between Energizing Brain Breaks and Centering Brain Breaks. My first period needed Energizing Brain Breaks to break out of the soporific morning doldrums. These are things like giving a certain number of high fives to other classmates, Rock Paper Scissors variations, spelling German words with their bodies, Peluche – anything that required quicker movement.

My after-lunch classes required Centering Brain Breaks. These could include mindful breathing, body percussion, TPR with body parts, trying to count as high as possible without two people saying the same number at the same time, etc. They had a LOT of energy that needed reining in, or a recommitment to focus at the end of the day. I’m going to continue to experiment with how different groups at different times of day respond to various Brain Breaks to see what works best for the mood!

More Knowledge of the World!

I just read an interesting book called The Knowledge Deficit, which was about how a focus on reading strategies has left students without many of the resources they actually need to read successfully: broad knowledge of the world! I want German class to contribute to my students knowing tons more about how the world works, so I’m recommitting to teaching my students more about geography, history, art, music, important people, politics in other countries, etc. through the language so that they can be more successful in all their other classes. (And in life, as well!)

…Less Spreading Myself Paper-Thin

This year kicked me in the butt. I missed more days of school this year than any other year in my career (including the year I got married and had a week of jury duty!). Part of the problem is my tendency to Do Everything. I want to continue to say yes to exciting opportunities, but also…say no to more.

I have dropped a couple things from my plate after this school year, and my current plan is to not attend any state, regional, or national conferences this school year. (Something that will help is that due to budget constraints, my district has paused our PD fund for one year, so there will be no money to go anywhere, anyways.) This is going to be a huge change for me, but I’m hoping to use the time to reflect more, have a more balanced life outside of school, and get healthier. Again, this year was a lot.


I saw a great video by Elicia Cárdenas recently where she threw a stuffed animal to a student and said, “Look! Because you were paying attention to me and the things I was saying, you could catch the stuffed animal. The stuffed animal is the new language. Now, if you’re not paying attention, you’re not going to be able to catch the stuffed animal, or the new language.” (And then she had a student pretend to not pay attention, and the stuffed animal bounced off of them as she threw it, and the class [and I] giggled.)

You only learn what you pay attention to. I have gotten better with time at channeling my students’ focus towards new language, and want to keep focusing on that as a goal for the coming year. This will mean better follow-through on my cell phone policy (one warning, then it goes into the German Cowboy Hat for safekeeping), more Brain Breaks as described above, and more discussion of how people learn languages successfully. All this, plus a healthy dose of modeling, should hopefully get us up to lots of attention in German class. (I also tell my students, hey, we don’t have homework because I want your complete attention here, so let’s make the most of it!)

Also important is What We Put Our Attention On. This is going to be learning things about our classmates, about the German-speaking world, and about the world in general. I, as the teacher, am going to try to limit how much attention I put into grading (because I hate it and it doesn’t help my students acquire anything), and comparing myself to other teachers. No time for that! Only time to be with my awesome teenagers and bask together in the beauty of the German language.

And you? What are your reflections from this school year?

Look Back, and Rest – A Reflection on Going Slowly

I was watching a video reflection by another teacher recently, and the teacher remarked that they had recently made changes in their instruction to go even slower than they had been going. The payoff had been that all his students were showing incredible gains, just from the single change of going so much slower.

Going slower required the teacher to provide even more repetition of the language and content to be learned, and to check in with each individual student and have them describe what was happening in the Target Language. The contention of the teacher was that before, by just developing strong responses to whole-class questions, he had been going too fast, and leaving students behind. That even though he had been implementing a Comprehension-Based Communicative Approach, he had been achieving the same level of student frustration and skill stratification within his classes as he had seen with a traditional approach. I shuddered.

For some reason, I flashed to a German class I had taught to other teachers as part of a conference. The class was fun, upbeat, and developed its own in-jokes (in German!) pretty quickly. They were all language teachers, so they just seemed to understand how things “should” work.

And there was one participant who wasn’t quite on the same ride as the rest of the class. She indicated that she didn’t understand as much of the language as she would like, and that some things were going over her head. She was more reserved than her classmates, and didn’t seem quite convinced that what we were doing was the right way for language teaching and acquisition.

I found myself overlooking her, even somewhat consciously, and just enjoying the laughter and creativity of her classmates. The class moved right along, and we generated tons of content from all the various activities I know how to do that made some great memories for us all. I convinced myself that the choral responses of her classmates would help surround her with the information she needed to be successful, that it would all click into place, eventually. She was trying – surely she would get it!

I look back now and feel sad that in a way, I gave up on her feeling successful in my German class. I had tried to repeat that “just getting the gist” was okay and totally where we all should be, but how much can one enjoy always just grasping at getting the gist? Especially while everyone else seems to “get it”? I can’t imagine how defeating, maybe embarrassing that felt. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t turn around and start a Comprehension-Based Communicative Approach in her own classes, if she wasn’t already. I hadn’t really sold it to her. Success breeds confidence, and I had, in some part, withheld success from someone who was really trying.

I flashed forward, then, to my own classes now. I was embarrassed to realize that I could quickly name students in each class that I give a similar “overlook” treatment. Their classes are moving along, we are “covering content,” some of their peers are outputting in alignment with my goals for them. But what about their goals? What about truly everyone being along for the ride so there are not clear “strugglers” in each class, ones that come to mind quickly?

The video I watched was a reminder to go slow, slower, even slower. I want to:

  • check comprehension even more to ensure that everyone is along for the ride.
  • look into the faces of all my students as we engage in whole-class discussion.
  • ask more processing questions to make the language deeply part of each student, so they can enjoy it the same way that I do, that their peers do.

“Just holding on by the skin of their teeth” for some of my students just doesn’t work for me, for the inclusive vision I have built for my entire German program. I am on a weeklong midwinter break as I write this, and will return with a plan to go slow, painfully slow, stick with students, try my hardest to make sure that every student is experiencing success. I know that it will be hard, but that these adjustments will end up making all my students feel stronger, more confident, more like the German speakers they want to be.

Another set of images flashed into my mind:

For five summers in my twenties, I was the program director of an outdoors summer camp.  Every year, our staff included new counselors who, like me, had once been young campers at the same camp.

Reliably, these young staff members were thrilled at the speed at which they could hike with other adults, and would blaze ahead on the trail at grown-up speed.  But that also meant that they were leaving slower hikers behind, hikers who were inexperienced rock hoppers or who just needed an extra bit of time to get to the destination.  When they would eventually catch up, the fastest hikers were finished resting and would power on, leaving the slower hikers out of breath and scrambling to follow.

Eventually, frustrated by how these trailblazers were burning up the stamina of their peers, and that they were missing out on opportunities to slow down and connect with their peers on a personal level, I decided to be the voice in their head that would encourage them to keep track of their slower peers.  At intervals, I would shout up the trail: “look back!”  Those in the front would turn to check that they could still see the furthest hiker back, and would adjust their pace to keep the group together.

When we would stop to drink water or catch our breath, I reminded everyone, fast and slow, to rest.  The idea was not for everyone to just stop breathing hard and double up protection against blisters, but to really be ready to conquer the next stretch of trail with confidence, connection, and enjoyment.

We saw so much more, hiking together. The mood was so much brighter, even if it took us longer to get to our destination. And the young staff members were so much better prepared for the real-world task of being able to accept whatever skills and speed their young campers brought to camp during the actual weeklong camping session.

Maybe this is a good metaphor for what we must seek to do with our learners.  Look back, and rest.  If not, we run the risk of turning something as beautiful as the slow hike of language acquisition into a blur of exhaustion, isolation, and pain.

Go slow, colleague.  Slower than you think.  Look back, and rest.

Reflecting on Fall Semester 2023

Inspired by the reflections of Bill Langley, I wanted to take a moment to look back at fall semester 2023 and reflect on what I learned and experienced.


My goal for this year has been simple: more questions! Asking lots of what Mike Peto calls “Artful Questions” allow students to hear more language in context as students get repetitions on vocabulary and grammatical form. I think I’ve upped my “artful questioning” this year so that students feel very comfortable with new language pretty quickly. I was also super interested in this research article by Gardner and Lichtman, which showed that contingent questions (aka either/or questions) helped students be more confident and accurate in their own output – I’ve upped the volume of either/or questions in my classes and am looking forward to more confident student output!

What has also gone well for me this year has been adding more personalized questions with new vocabulary. I’m always trying to find ways to connect what we’re learning with the lives of my students, and I feel like I know my students better this year than any other year. When I’m unsure what to ask next, leaning into the use of Sweet 16 verbs and question words helps me find the next logical (and engaging) thing to ask.

Leaning Into Card Talk

I used to do Card Talk for a week or two at the beginning of the unit, and then sort of abandon it after interest had run out or I wanted to move onto something else. A lot of “cards” went unused, even with students asking if one day we would look at theirs.

What has been really nice this year has been returning to the “cards” from the beginning of the year throughout the semester. Honestly, any time I was struggling with planning and needed a quick “filler” that still felt worthwhile, displaying a new card and chatting about it with the class turned out to be super engaging for students. There has been lots of personalization in my class because of this foundational activity, and it’s been fun to see how much language growth we’ve achieved in one semester when we pick up and talk about a new card.

New Activities

Overall, I try to limit the amount of different things I do just to make my own planning easier and not have to teach new activities to my students all the time. It saves time and we can go deeper with language if we’re not constantly explaining new activity formats. But! I do love trying stuff out, and these three activities have been huge winners for me, so I’ll be keeping them in the rotation:

  • Quick Draw (AnneMarie Chase)
    This is a great, fun game to review a text that students are familiar with that takes the teacher off the stage and engages students’ competitive spirits. Students love drawing, and half of the fun is the images they create! But they’re also secretly reading and rereading a ton…! (AnneMarie is a master of secret input!)
  • Input-Based Vocabulary Quizzes (AnneMarie Chase)
    This is the first year of a dual-credit “college in the high school class” for upper level German, and I am beholden to a textbook for the first time since I started at this school. As such, I have wanted to make sure kids are getting lots of exposure to each textbook chapter’s vocab, and these input-based quizzes have been really great to meet the textbook’s goals while also meeting my goal of getting students lots and lots of contextualized input.
  • Hatschi Patschi (Cécile Lainé)
    I had heard of this activity before, but never saw how to implement it in my own classes until I read Cécile’s blog post linked above. Though it got a bit, uh, physical, my students LOVED this game. A great way to practice answering questions about familiar topics, and also have FUN.


I have used gestures in the past to help students remember specific target structures, but never done just classic TPR. I think part of what stopped me was not knowing what to start with and how to build up with it over time.

I got a copy of Berty Segal Cook’s Teaching English Through Action and everything clicked into place. By following (but also modifying for my own needs) the lesson plans provided, I was able to inject some movement into my students’ days, which really has helped with focus. Having someone else’s structure made it easy to modify for my needs (most specifically for my deskless classroom).

But it also helps with listening and vocabulary! TPR gives immediate feedback to both student and teacher, so it’s easy to see what needs more repetitions and practice before moving on. I’m a fan – I think 7-10 minutes of TPR most days will remain especially for my lower level students to build listening stamina and vocabulary.

Warm Ups

I’m still pondering on this one: I find that the same students aren’t doing my Warm Ups every day. Many are able to answer questions I ask while we are checking the warm ups, but my wish would be that they write down German at the start of class to get their minds into German mode while I have time to take attendance and check in with students.

I had contemplated handing each student a quarter sheet of paper every day with the warmup on it that they return to me at the end of class (the other blank side could even be used for the end-of-class Quick Quiz), but that feels wasteful. Having a warmup sheet with 2 weeks of spaces on it, like I do now, is more environmentally-friendly, and gives space for notes, new vocab they learn during the warmup, writing down our weekly Classroom Passwords…

Still thinking about this one. I’m thinking I just need to make clear that doing the warm up is part of our opening routines, and warmly insist that students follow the routine with greater fidelity.

Setting Up for Absences

I went from being almost-always at work to feeling like I was missing tons of days this year. Between ACTFL, family events, illness, and PD opportunities, I’m missing a lot of time this year.

Luckily, I knew about many of these things ahead of time and could plan for learning to happen, even if I wasn’t there. Part of the success I’ve had was training students on my expectations of where to find assignments if I wasn’t there, and part of it was setting up students with specific jobs for my absences that help the class function very well. Sub notes have been very complementary and kind, and work completion is up over other years, even on days where I was unexpectedly absent. Even in years where I am anticipating being in school most of the time, I will continue to train students to adjust to my absences without missing a beat.


I just purchased Eric Richards’ book Grafted Writing a couple weeks ago and have already implemented three of the activities into my own classes. I highly recommend it as a way to scaffold student writing in class in an input-focused way!

German Club Planning

This has felt really great: since I put out the call on social media that I was soliciting ideas for a German Club Ideas Master Document, so many teachers have shared their amazing resources with me, which I have been able to share back to other German teachers who are spread too thin. (A special thanks to Amanda Beck, whose Central States presentation on German Club activities formed the backbone for a lot of the list.)

The result of this is that German Club has gone from something that really weighed on me to something that is not at all stressful. My officers have resources to plan with so it’s not always on me, and we’ve tried tons of new activities this year that members have loved. Win win win!

What have been your reflections from fall semester 2023? Comment below!

Reflections from the 2022-2023 School Year

Another post that was outlined three weeks ago and is only now getting written…oH WELL. I had a lot of victories last year, so now’s the time to lay out some goal areas for improvement!

Setting Appropriate Tasks to Avoid Online Translators

I have been lucky to avoid too much online translator interference by mostly doing on-demand, in-person, handwritten writing tasks. (Online learning made me too wary of writing tasks completed on the computer, so when I have students ultimately turn in something digitally, I make sure there was a handwritten copy beforehand that they truly did produce alone.) (Sidebar: another benefit of mostly doing handwritten assignments is that I have a long paper trail of student writing samples that are easy to refer to when I suspect translator usage. “I looked back at your writing from a couple weeks ago, and this latest assignment seems very…different from that!”)

Every time I ran into online translator usage this year, I think it was because I set tasks that were too intimidating for my learners. I believed that they had the capacity to complete the tasks in some form, but they did not share that belief, so they sought the path of least resistance. In my Teacher Brain, I thought we had completed enough smaller tasks to make the Big Task doable, but in the minds of my students, those tasks were in the past and unrelated.

I think students need more scaffolding for Big Tasks in the L2. This could be sentence starters, exemplars, models that we co-create in a Write and Discuss-like procedure…but I’m also thinking that we need to gather together all of the formative writing tasks we’ve done, lay them all out visually, and think aloud about how those tasks connect to the summative task. That way, all students are able to see that they actually have already done a decent amount of the cognitive heavy lifting and can draw on their past performances as inspiration for the Big Task.

Level Ups

I’ve been thinking a lot more about how to help students build the bridges in their writing to get to the next proficiency sub-level (blog posts forthcoming!), and something helpful that I did in the past was a procedure I learned from Mike Peto. I have transition words that I have printed on card stock and stuck magnets to that I then hung all around the edges of my board. While we were doing Write and Discuss, I would challenge my students to find ways to incorporate those words into their suggestions for the text we were co-creating. Students loved the challenge, and after seeing the words and phrases modeled in usage, they sometimes started showing up in their writing! Score! I just fell off doing that this year, and am looking forward to slapping those magnets back on my board in September and issuing the challenge once more. Transition words and subordinating conjunctions help move students from Strings of Sentences to Connected Sentences, the jump from IL to IM that introduces complexity and depth to their writing.

I have also been fascinated by this level up procedure I discovered by Erin Carlson (that I learned about via Bethanie Drew). The reminders to try to add Affirmative/Negative, Myself/Someone Else, and Answer/Add More Info to their writing will probably help them just write more words, which feels very satisfying and can help them reach higher levels of complexity and detail.


I got to film one of my lessons as part of my ACTFL TOY portfolio, and one of the reflections to come out of that process was that I heard a lot of “How do you say…?” in my level 2 class. (That is to say, more than I wanted to hear!) It reminded me to train my students on the skills of circumlocution, and I think an easy and fun way to do that could be to play more 20 Questions (via AnneMarie Chase) as a sponge activity.

Classroom Jobs

When I taught middle school Spanish, I had a variety of classroom jobs to support the functioning of my classes, and even a whole whiteboard dedicated to listing who did what in each class. It was fun and a great way to build community, and I want to bring that to my high school classes. The truth of the matter is that there are plenty of little tasks that I would…prefer not to do (passing papers, etc.) that I can turn into jobs. I don’t want to lean too far into extrinsic motivators to make the students do the jobs – mostly just positive comments about how helpful these professional students are – but maybe once in a while, I’ll let a kid leave class a little earlier than everyone else, or give them a cool pencil or something. Or a sticker! Kids love stickers.

Claudia Elliott has an episode of her excellent podcast here where she talks to John Sifert and Annabelle Williamson about classroom jobs that I’ll be listening to, and Bryce Hedstrom has a great article here about classroom jobs that I’ll be reviewing.

What are we doing in the upper level class lol

The title of this section was a joke to myself, but I figured I’d keep it because it reflects how lost I’ve felt with my upper level classes for the past few years. I began offering AP German at my school a couple years ago, but it never ended up being a good fit for my school. Between COVID really hurting enrollments and preparedness, AP students always being put in a class with third year students who weren’t ready for AP-level tasks, and having students melt down under the pressure of multiple AP exams all at the same time, I never quite found a way to make it work. My pass rate was okay, but I didn’t feel great about being beholden to that specific test.

My students responded very positively when I told them I was thinking of changing to a College in the High School / Dual Enrollment German course for the third year and beyond. That gave me the push to get the program set up, and it looks like I’ll be offering a year-long college credit course starting in the fall. This is brand new territory for me, but I look forward to the challenge of planning towards the college’s very clear curricular requirements (the breadth of AP is what got to me a lot of the time), and refining my lower level courses to set those third/fourth year students up for success. I’m hoping it will be a better fit for my learners – and me! Luckily, I will only be teaching three preps next year (German 1, 2, and then dual enrollment German), so I will really be able to focus on making it great from the beginning.

What about you? What are you looking forward to doing (or not doing) in the coming school year? Comment below!

Victories from the 2022-2023 School Year

PHEW it is already July 12th and I’m just now getting to a post I outlined right at the end of the school year. I’ve been busy busy with my honeymoon, my brother’s upcoming wedding, LLLAB summer work, ACTFL stuff, CI Reboot… Lots going on. But I really got a lot out of reviewing my victories last school year, so here we are again. Here’s what went well this school year:

Free Writes / Focus Writes

I use timed Free Writes as a way for students to show their language growth over the year, with each student storing all their Free Writes in portfolios that we keep in the classroom. This is consistently a winning procedure, as students love comparing their disjointed writing from the beginning of the year with the more fluent, detailed writing they are producing by the end of the year. Our greater consistency with doing them just about every 2 weeks helped me in my planning and gave us lots of evidence of growth to reflect on at the end of the year.

A related win has been doing something I’ve titled Focus Writes at the end of each major thematic unit. Students get 5 minutes to write about themselves in relation to the major topics we explore throughout the year. For example, for Level 1:

  • End of unit 1: Introduce yourself
  • Unit 2: Introduce yourself and your hobbies
  • Unit 3: Introduce yourself, your hobbies, and your important people
  • Unit 4: Introduce yourself, your hobbies, your important people, and your school life
  • Unit 5: Introduce yourself, your hobbies, your important people, your school life, and your food/drink preferences

It’s simple, quick, definitely not the only kind of writing they do, but kids get to see how much easier it becomes over the year to write more. We reflected on how comprehended listening and reading input becomes greater ease in writing about yourself over time. And my two Level 1 classes averaged 96% and 116% increase in word counts on these Focus Writes between Focus Write 1 and Focus Write 4 this year, which I brought to my evaluation conversation with my assistant principal, who loved it. Definitely keeping Focus Writes for next year – kids like increasing their skill in talking about the most important thing: themselves!

Reviewing and Clarifying Expectations

Every year, I have been trying to refine my classroom expectations so that they are clearer to students, both in what to do and why we do it this way, and making them expectations that I feel comfortable and justified in enforcing. Inspired by Lance Piantaginni, I used the following expectations this year:

I reviewed these expectations Every. Single. Day for the entire first month of school, and regularly thereafter. (This is especially important after long weekends, breaks, big events, etc.) In addition, any time we did a new activity type, I specified how these expectations applied to the new activity. And this year was so much more peaceful! It was easier to enforce clear expectations whose justification we went over thoroughly. I am keeping these expectations and these procedures for sure.

March Music Madness

I participated in March Music Madness this year in all my classes and it was a huge hit. If you are not familiar, excellent teachers across the world collaborate on a March Madness-style bracketed tournament for new music from our target cultures with the goal of finding a “winning” song from the contenders. Teachers can either link up with international online voting calendars or keep all the decision making up to their own classes (I opted for just doing a school-internal tournament this year because of scheduling). I had my TAs put up a bracket with images of the artists, pictured below, and my students grew so possessive of their favorites that it made my heart smile. They were arguing with each other about their preferences related to Target Cultures music – arguing about content – awesome! I can’t wait to participate again next year.

Free Reading

My students started reading earlier in the year, and read more than ever before. Kids traded books, talked through plot twists, and generally got so much in linguistic competence from daily free reading. Not to mention, it was an absolute joy to read outside when the weather was nice.

Something I touched on but want to do in greater depth next year is discussing with students what successful Free Reading in the TL should feel like. Students have different tolerances for ambiguity/volume of new vocabulary and thus need to try different levels of difficulty for themselves, and sometimes learners need reminders of how to use the glossaries of the books they’re reading. Reading can be a very efficient, effective way to acquire a lot of language, but not if students are frustrating themselves out of potentially successful experiences.

Teaching a Novel

I have only ever done free reading of novels in class, but this spring, I taught my first-ever whole class novel. And I loved it! I taught Mit dem Wind in den Westen from Fluency Matters, and the Teacher’s Guide made it so easy for me to plan and read with my students. My students loved learning about the former East Germany and its culture, and Reader’s Theater was a hoot. I tried a variety of reading formats with my students, including whole class reading, group reading, partner reading, and individual reading, and the group reading procedure pictured below was the favorite of my students:

1. Reader (reads text aloud in L2) 2. Explainer (explains what’s happening after each paragraph/page) 3. Dictionary person (looks up words) 4. Questioner (asks content/context Qs) [Roles change after every page / logical amount of text]

This Tweet

This Tweet was my most successful Tweet this year.

I asked my Level 1 students what color they associated with each school subject and it got…heated lol. Try it as a warmup some day and report back – lots of fun!


In October, I was named the Washington Association for Language Teaching (WAFLT) Teacher of the Year. This was a huge surprise to me, and I was deeply touched by the recognition. I have felt lots of love from colleagues I have met through WAFLT conferences, and I was honored to be chosen as a representative for language teachers in our state.

In February, I submitted a 30-page (!!) teacher portfolio to the Pacific Northwest Council for Languages (PNCFL) as the WAFLT candidate for PNCFL Regional Teacher of the Year, and interviewed with members of the PNCFL board for about 45 minutes, touching on topics of best practice in language teaching, the teaching of culture, advocacy for language teaching and teachers, and so much more. At our online conference, I was named the PNCFL Regional Teacher of the Year. This really made my head explode, and it has been so incredible to meet language teachers from across our 6-state region and learn from and with them.

The next step is the ACTFL Convention and Expo in Chicago in November of this year. I am one of five candidates for National Language Teacher of the Year, which makes my heart pound every time I think about it. The process of refining my PNCFL portfolio and adding to it as part of my ACTFL candidacy has been truly transformational for me. I am prone to self-deprecation and anxiety about my work as a teacher, and the reflection built into the portfolio process has really helped me identify what I do well, and areas where I want to grow some more. I feel really proud of myself, and no matter what happens in November, I am ready to use my teaching and advocacy skills for the good of all the language teachers I have the pleasure of connecting with.

If all that wasn’t enough to make my heart explode, I found out in April that I am Washington’s nominee for the NEA Excellence in Education Award. My lovely colleague Kei nominated me (knowing this feels like such a wonderful professional hug – professionally hug excellent educators in your life!!), and it means that I’ll be headed to an awards gala (!) in Washington DC in the spring of 2024. Wild. Wild! I am so thankful for these opportunities and can’t wait to see how they evolve over this next year.

Whew – enough from me. What were your victories from the past school year?

ACTFL 2022 Reflections: Saturday

ACTFL 2022 brought so much new learning, and gave me the chance to synthesize so much of the learning I have been doing mostly online over the past 2.5 years.

I decided to break up my reflections posts by conference day, so Friday’s reflections are linked here if you are interested! Otherwise, here are my reflections from the Saturday sessions, in addition to as many links as I can muster to the presenters and their resources:

Why It Matters: Black Social Justice Movements in Austria and Switzerland (Karin Baumgartner and Amanda Sheffer)

Working with and listening to Ben Tinsley’s presentations reminded me that I want to make conscious efforts to center the lives of Black and brown German speakers in my teaching, so I chose this session to help start filling some of the gaps in my own knowledge.

Dr. Baumgartner’s part of the presentation focused on the M-Köpfe debate in Switzerland. I appreciated how she created a unit around the discourse that gave learners multiple access points to the debate and the thinking behind it, ranging from interviews with business owners, to using the Schweizerisches Idiotikon (new to me!) to look up the “official” Swiss definition of the M-word, to predicting and then analyzing public perception statistics, to connecting the debate to similar debates in the United States. The unit was text-rich, and really aligned with the learning I had done this summer about a discursive mode of cultural studies: asking questions about texts and cultural phenomena, and critically questioning our assumptions and reactions to them.

Dr. Sheffer focused on Black Lives Matter solidarity protests in Vienna, which really showed the ever-increasing connectedness of cultural discourses across the world. At the same time, regional/national cultures have influences on how these debates and discourses play out – I learned here for the first time about the Opferthese, as well as the life of Angelo Soliman. Context is so important in building learning, and the connections of each of these units about Switzerland and Austria tie closely into debates that have also been present in the US in recent years. I can see each of these units being easily integrated into my upper level courses, as my students are at an age where they have more capacity to engage in cultural discourse about race and society. A question from the audience reminded me, though, that learning about and reproducing slurs, even if in the L2, can be potentially triggering for our students, and we need to create and maintain brave spaces for students to explore these topics.

Simplifying for Equity (Abbi Holt)

I missed this session to go to the Swiss/Austrian session above, but luckily, Abbi posted her slides online! In her presentation, Abbi illustrated the journey she has taken to make her Latin class into one where all students have a chance to succeed based on what she could control in her own classroom. This led her to dropping homework to level the playing field of home environment (dis)advantages, and then on to dropping other things that have often been staples of language classes: tests weighted more heavily than other classwork, vocabulary quizzes, and explicit grammar instruction. All this seems to have helped raise her reading scores – score!

One key seems to be the use of daily exit tickets. Abbi writes on her slides that she changed from using a calendar to set the pace for her instruction to pacing with the exit tickets. This is so simple and brilliant. Exit tickets can show us what truly stuck and where students are struggling. By “publicly committing to not moving on until everyone is ready,” as Abbi puts it, we make adjustments to our instruction that benefit ALL students – and they can always use more input!

If you are able to plan ahead sufficiently to have pre-made exit tickets for content, go for it! The shorter the better. I am a huge fan of trade-and-grade because going over the answers can serve as more input for learners. If pre-made exit tickets aren’t possible for you, I am a huge fan of the Quick Quiz as a formative assessment. (My observing principal thought the Quick Quiz I gave during an observation was just about the coolest thing ever…ding!)

I also appreciate this post by Lance Piantaginni that takes a Twitter thread by Abbi on the same topic (simplifying for equity) and lays out how it aligns with the research on best practice. Check it out for more mind explosions!

Level 1 to Level 4 and Beyond: Creating Vertical Alignment (Briana Bailey and Hannah Whyard)

I currently teach one section of Spanish 1, and then the rest of my day is all levels of German. I am also the only German teacher. Foreseeably, I will only teach German next year, but I want to make sure I’m sending my current Spanish students to the next level with confidence and skills, so I was interested in seeing what this session suggested in terms of aligning with other colleagues. I really loved the protocol Bailey and Whyard presented and think it could be very powerful for departmental conversations.

Where I still struggle is finding the time to do this work. The long term ROI for me personally is kind of low because I might not be teaching Spanish next year, so I tend to invest my time in things that will make my immediate planning for five different courses more manageable. We have been doing a smaller version of this protocol in my department this year by all trying out Puedos as ways of designating appropriate skill checkpoints in our Spanish curriculum, and it’s been helpful to open conversations about what’s needed and then taught at each level.

This session also reminded me that I should collaborate more with others, for a couple reasons. One: hopefully, it would eventually lessen my workload by distributing the creation/curation of resources. Two: by doing some grading calibration of assignments, I could figure out appropriate expectations for each level of German I teach (for which I create my own curricula), and talk in a more concentrated way with colleagues about how we get students to those expectations. It’s hard feeling like you’re doing everything alone. Part of it is that I am an Einzelgänger in some respects, and the other part is that I just don’t have time to seek out collaborative relationships with other German teachers in my area. But dang it, I’m going to try!

Making Authentic Materials More Comprehensible Without Changing a Word (Maria Goebert)

I’m trying to build more #authres into all of my units as I flesh out my curriculum, so I’m always looking for new ways to use them. Goebert’s process was pretty straightforward: take a text, and highlight certain categories of essential information in the same color (who, what, when, where, causes, effects, whatever you could want, each with its own color). Then, have students fill in graphic organizers to show their understanding of the categorizations and information from the text. Finally, give students another text on the same topic, and have them highlight the information relevant to the categorizations they worked with earlier using the same colors. (So, same color used for the “who” in both articles, same color for the “where,” and so on.)

I think this is a cool idea – it helps students focus on the specific information they really need to understand the text. Sometimes, blocks of texts in the L2 can just feel massive, and this helps narrow the focus and concentrate on the really key info. For high fliers or heritage speakers, they can certainly go beyond the highlighted info to read and learn more. Something for everyone!

ACTFL’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Listening Session

ACTFL’s DEI committee held a session to hear people out about their areas of focus in making ACTFL a more accessible, equitable organization. I got a friendly invite from a committee member to come, and was happy I did.

The session was closed for photos, recordings, and the like, but I feel comfortable sharing the question that I came to the session with: how does ACTFL vet (if at all) the vendors in the exhibit hall for each convention, especially when there were vendors on the floor this year with documented histories of contributing directly to structural inequities?

I felt confirmed in the importance of posing this question at the listening session when I saw this tweet from Carrie Toth about something she purchased in the exhibit hall. We have to demand better materials – our students deserve culturally-sustaining reading materials and curricula – and I am so appreciative of all teacher-leaders who use their platform to make these demands.

Representation and Multiculturalism in Comprehensible Input Readers (Dorie Conlon Perugini, Pam Wesely, and Diane Neubauer)

I am very proud to work with the Language Learner Literature Advisory Board, serving this year as the President of the Board. We provide feedback on language learner literature (CI readers, novelettes, etc.) with regards to issues of identity and positive representation. Through this work, we’ve read and reviewed tons of books and discovered how many of them contain harmful, disrespectful tropes. Students need CI to build their language system, but that language always conveys a message, so we want to make sure that the books we put in our students’ hands are transmitting positive, culturally-sustaining messages about cultures and people (in addition to providing compelling input).

This presentation dovetailed very nicely into the work we’ve done with LLLAB: the presenters did a survey of 90 language learner books (30 each across 3 languages) to see who was represented in the texts, and how. Confirming our readings of individual titles through LLLAB, their study found that language learner literature is overwhelmingly white, male, and heterosexual. Additionally, they found that most texts have little or no cross-cultural representation, meaning that the titles we are serving our learners just serve to reinforce US-American cultural viewpoints about the world. This can lead learners to believing that cultures are monolithic entities expressed through one ethnicity, or by the government of a nation, and that culture is something that is static across time.

I had so many thoughts during this presentation. Again, it confirmed from a birds-eye view what we had seen in up-close discussions of particular books: there are many books for language learners that represent and reinforce majority stereotypes. There remains a great need for readers across a greater variety of genres, as well as representing more aspects of identity ((dis)ability, mental health, neurodiversity, religion/faith, LGBTQ+ issues, etc.). I encourage you, reader, to find a community of CI teacher-authors and think about writing a novel yourself. At the very least, audit the books you already have on your shelves, and see what adjustments need to be made to your classroom library. Additionally, our community needs to find ways to support authors from minoritized identities in creating texts from their own voices so that the representation in these works remains thoughtful, positive, and nuanced.

We can also build our learners’ critical awareness of what they read by having them complete an audit of the books they are reading. I thought this could be a whole-class activity: after doing the Free Reading for the day, stop to take a tally of the genders of the characters in the books we’re currently reading, the skin color(s), how the male, female, and nonbinary characters are represented, and so on. I think it would be very revealing to everyone involved – what are we reading? What are we not reading?

I was very thankful for this presentation and look forward to when the research is published so I can share it far and wide!


That was Saturday! I have two more posts with reflections from Friday and Sunday, as well, if this has served you in any way. Happy reading and stay reflective!

ACTFL 2022 Reflections: Friday

This was my third ACTFL, and I’m noticing that it always feels the same: whirlwind, like I didn’t do enough, FOMO even while being there.

But I have definitely felt refreshed today while teaching, and looking at the list of sessions I attended, I got lots of the inspiration that I needed to continue through the doldrums of the winter. Here are the sessions I attended on Friday (too many thoughts for one post!), as well as my main reflections from being in those sessions. Where possible, I have linked social media accounts/websites/presentations from each presenter so you can also go check them out!

This Can Be Done: Materials for a Task-Based Curriculum (Dr. Claudia Fernández)

Tasks always seemed to be BVP’s pedagogical goal, but I have never felt comfortable claiming I knew exactly how to implement and evaluate them. Dr. Fernández’ presentation helped me feel more secure in what they are and how to build up to them.

In a Task-based curriculum, we are aiming to create conditions for language use in class. This means that we are setting students up to communicate: having goals with non-linguistic purposes: psychosocial, cognitive-informational, entertainment. Or, in plainer English, exchanging information to build relationships with others, learning something or sharing our own learning, or just being creative and having fun. Dr. Fernández said she doesn’t go to the ACTFL conference to practice her English as an L2 learner; she goes to give information to others about her professional experience. She has her communicative purpose!

This reminded me of one of the main through lines I found while reading Common Ground: always asking, “What are we going to do with this information?” Often, adding good Bloom’s Taxonomy-style verbs to our Task goals (rank, decide, design, convince, etc.) help add that purpose and make the Tasks more…Task-y. This helps the heavily input-based “pedagogical tasks” (as Dr. Fernández calls them) still maintain their communicative nature while building towards the final “target task.” I often think that it goes “input input input input TASK,” where the “input” is just trying to “expose” students to the necessary language via comprehensible input in whatever medium, but they need to be doing those actions listed above to keep it all communicative. What do students DO with any input?

I’m still mulling this over (and trying to be clearer with myself about the communicative goals of any given lesson), but this helped me synthesize some understanding of how to move towards a Task-based curriculum.

Incorporating BIPOC Practices and Products in the ML Classroom (Ben Tinsley)

[I am a huge Tinz fan (and work with him on LLLAB) so I’ll try not to gush too hard.] I ended up coming late to Ben’s presentation because I walked out of another one (woops), AND YET I still had my brain going wooooosh with the great ideas he was sharing.

One thing that really clicked for me during this presentation is the true power of context. Providing comprehended input is not just doing the fundamental CI skills (writing on the board, slowing down, using cognates, etc.). It is also building the context for the language and information to make sense in, and for the learning to find its seat in. This can be a story, a photo, a calendar, whatever.

Ben uses Map Talks to teach his students about the geography and cultures of countries with which his students might be less familiar, providing the context for learning about the products, practices, and perspectives of Black and brown French speakers across the world. My brain blast came when I realized that Map Talks can contextualize LITERALLY EVERYTHING.

A map is something students at the high school level know well enough as a schema, and it is easier to map any new language onto something that is very familiar to them. When we start discussing the 3 Ps after giving context with a Map Talk, students have a greater understanding of where even in the world we’re talking about, as well as what human geographical influences may have shaped those 3 Ps. Holy cow.

No joke, I planned Map Talks for 3 levels of German during this session that 100% made sense with everything I am presently teaching, and will provide such rich context to the cultural information and new language we are learning. Level 1 is going to talk about the hobbies of German youth based on a series of video interviews? Map Talk shows them where those kids live and how their area may have shaped their interests. Level 2 is talking about houses and dwellings in Germany and Switzerland? Boom Map Talk, the materials for those houses have to come from somewhere, and the climate will influence how the house has to be shaped. Level 3 learning about the education system of Germany? Boom Map Talk they get to see the 16 Bundesländer that each set their own education policies, and situate Germany’s notable universities in their geographic contexts. Boom goes the Map Talk! (Oops, I gushed, as I foresaw…)

This presentation also reminded me that even though there are no majority-Black German-speaking nations, there are still communities of Black German speakers across the world. My education, very much in white spaces, did not teach me about those communities, so I will have to do some searching for myself. (This had an influence on the sessions I ended up picking for Saturday!) If I don’t, there is a non-zero risk that my Black and brown students will hardly see themselves in my curriculum, and I don’t create the conditions for them to become joyful German users.

Alle für alle: Supporting LGBT+ Students in the Language Classroom (Alysha Holmquist Posner, Mariah Ligas, and me!)

I was lucky to present with my WA German teacher bestie and our awesome East Coast colleague Mariah (met her for the first time about an hour before the presentation!) on a topic that is incredibly important to me. Click the link above for access to our slideshow, with resources in Spanish, French, German, and more!

One thing that came out of this was a conversation I had with a teacher after our presentation was over. She was worried about teaching her nonbinary student a “wrong” pronoun or one that “people don’t use or understand.” It is tough for us language teachers in the US to find access points to discourse about gender and language from here – nothing beats actually being in community with other LGBTQ+ people to see how they talk about their lives. From afar, we have to do our very best to piece together what we can through lots of online research.

Whenever I do teach “xier” as a nonbinary pronoun in German, for example, I make sure to let students know that some German speakers may not recognize it, either because of not having heard of it yet or because they deny the existence of nonbinary people. (And then they might have linguistic qualms with it!) I also explain that there may be more NB pronouns that are less common, but still used. (Neopronouns abound!) I think ultimately, a nonbinary learner asking for information about this is seeking mostly to know that their nonbinary identity will be validated 1) in the language used in class and 2) by their instructor. It will take learners time to find the intuitively “right” pronoun in the L2 as they increase their exposure to the language. We can be their language guide and show them one nonbinary pronoun, validating them in our language and inclusion of their identities in the class. If we commit to this, and to continuing to learn, I think we’ll be alright.


That was just Friday! I ended my evening with a great dinner with a colleague, and then some chats in the Omni lobby with so many teachers that I respect and admire. Not a bad deal for Day 1. I have two more posts with reflections from Saturday and Sunday, as well, if this has served you in any way. Happy reading and stay reflective!

Think For One Extra Second When Choosing Hot-Topic-Discussion Content

I’m writing this post from the airport in Boston, where I had a wonderful time at the ACTFL Convention meeting online friendos (haaaayyy!), and where I learned from some really inspiring, skilled educators. What a gift it was to have been here!

I’ve been thinking about a discussion that comes up on Language Teacher Social Media every once in a while: is Comprehension-Based Communicative Language Teaching (CCLT) inherently more equitable than legacy approaches? A few years ago, I may have quickly answered, “Yes!” Learners need lots of comprehended input to build their linguistic systems and be able to draw on them to communicate, and the learning of grammar rules and memorized vocabulary do not contribute much to building that fluent communicative competence, especially at the Novice level of proficiency.

Through the ensuing discussions I’ve been a part of on social media and the work I have done with LLLAB, I have changed my answer. I don’t think any method, approach, technique, what have you can be “inherently” more equitable because language does not exist in a vacuum as such. Methods, approaches, and techniques that work “better” for more language learners can still be instruments of harm.

When we communicate with our students, helping to build their implicit systems, we communicate content. We communicate messages. And these messages have an impact on the thoughts and emotions of our learners, which may change their level of willingness to even engage with the communication/input at all. It may also lower their willingness to engage with anything they perceive as “too different” from themselves. If the messages we communicate are comprehensible, but “other” our students, and/or reinforce stereotypes or disrespectful conceptions of other cultures, that’s not “inherently equitable.” Language always has content.

Well-meaning CCLT teachers may try to inspire communication in their classes by selecting content that they know their students will react to – something that students are interested in, something funny, something controversial. Nothing feels better than when students scoot to the edges of their seats, eagerly waiting their turn to contribute to the class conversation about something interesting. I want to use this post to make this recommendation to teachers as we are trying to pick content for our courses:

Think for one extra second when choosing hot-topic-discussion content.

If you are exploring the theme of Health and your prompt to get students to communicate is a photo of the bare torso of a plus-sized man, head out of frame, what messages does that send to your students about the humanity and worth of family or friends with that body type? What if they themselves have that body type? What if the class gasps in disgust? (I have been doing some learning and unlearning about anti-fat bias via the Maintenance Phase podcast, which I can’t recommend enough.)

If you choose to talk about a slideshow titled “Weird Breakfasts from Around the World,” how are you prompting students to react to foods that may very well be the breakfast foods of their classmates? Do you feel comfortable potentially labeling the eating habits of your students’ families as “weird?” Why not approach the same topic without the evaluative label of “weird,” and instead with curiosity?

If you display photos of any sorts of spaces in other countries (schools, homes, public spaces, etc.) from the angle of what they don’t have compared to your community, do you feel comfortable presenting another culture as deficient compared to the home culture? And do you feel comfortable potentially presenting areas of the Global South in confirmation of widely-held stereotypes, presenting them as monoliths of deficiency?

I am with you: I want students to talk, to engage, to see and learn new things. It is fun when students get a prompt and a conversation ignites immediately. But we have to take the small amount of extra time to wonder if the materials we select reinforce negative ideas about people and cultures that deserve dignity and respect, for there are many ways of living in this world.

This is hard work. Let’s keep learning and unlearning together.