
Bill Langley, Bryan Smith, and I are proud to present the podcast: “SLAyyy: Second Language Acquisition for Everyone”! In this podcast, we will Gaslight (reflect), Gatekeep (read research), and Girlboss (share successes) in our language teaching! 

Use the player below to listen, check out our website for links to other directories, or search it wherever you listen to your podcasts. And you better slay! BYE

Ep. 16: SLAyyy Playful Learning with Amanda Beck SLAyyy: Second Language Acquisition for Everyone

GaslightJudge, Jury, ExecutionerWhat Are Our Goals?Time InvestmentGatekeep – Amanda Beck, Central States Languages for All Regional TOY 2024How We Invest Our TimeGuessing GamesGames as Scaffolds for Learning and Social InteractionGames Provide Structure for Listening and ReadingHave BackupsGirlbossLevel Your GamesUse TemplatesNovelty Makes People CuriousPredictionsWinning!B I N G OReferencesJoint National Committee for Languages (JNCL)GimkitBreakout EDUThe Unfair Game by The Comprehensible ClassroomWheel DecideTrashketball by The Comprehensible ClassroomPop Up by Annemarie ChaseQuick Draw by Annemarie ChaseText us about how you’ve Gaslit, or Girlbossed your language classroom.Email us at SLAyyyForEveryone@gmail.com
  1. Ep. 16: SLAyyy Playful Learning with Amanda Beck
  2. Ep. 15: SLAyyy Supporting Students with Dyslexia with Sara Lee
  3. Ep. 14: Supporting Undocumented Students with Bertha Delgadillo
  4. Ep. 13: SLAyyy Positive Classroom Environments with Kei Tsukamaki
  5. Ep. 12: SLAyyy Standards-Based Grading (feat. Bryan's Research!)